
Who I am

I’m Dexter Yap. I’m an I.T guy by day, and cartoonist by night. Drawing has always been my passion. Since I was kid I loved watching cartoons on TV or reading comic books. I was rarely without a pencil or a pad of paper. In university, I was steered towards computer science. I didn’t even attempt an art degree of any sort. As much as I loved being creative, a technical degree was a safe bet. I.T has been rewarding and given me opportunities to grow professional and network.

Cartooning is my outlet to the world. It is however, a hobby. A hobby that I dabble in, sometimes I experiment with colors or lines. Mostly, I dabble with technology, and digital inking techniques. And I’m always learning new little tricks here and there. Even simple things I still find out when I’ve been doing them the difficult way for years.

Why I do it

For fun. That’s it. There are no ads, and nothing to purchase. Everything here should be free, and stay that way. The web gives me, and many others, a voice and a place to share my opinions. I do this mainly to learn and to share. If I learn something about a new brush pen or photoshop plugin, I’ll do my best to write about it. I also blog for the same reason. The I.T blogs for example, are real world things learned, and I found informative in troublesome scenarios.

What I hope to achieve

I don’t know if I know that yet. I think I just want a place online to put my thoughts, my guides, and my art for whomever to stumble upon one day.

When do I update?

Whenever I feel like. My SEO keeps nagging me to post new content whenever I log into my admin panel. I’m terrible at updating content!